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Altmann, G 2016Library electronic eBookIllustrationPixabay, viewed 16 November 2020, <>.

Graduation cap 2014IllustrationPixabay, viewed 16 November 2020, <>.

Hood, T 1930Sydney Harbour BridgePhotographWikimedia Commons, viewed 13 February 2021, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.

Krzysztof-m 2018GraphIllustrationPixabay, viewed 13 February 2021, <>.

Mortlock Wing, State Library of South Australia 2014PhotographWikimedia Commons, viewed 16 November 2020, <,_State_Library_of_South_Australia.jpg>, Creative Commons license: <>.

Rand, P 19711971 ABC logoIllustrationWikimedia Commons, viewed 16 November 2020, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.

Watkins, C 2011National Library of AustraliaPhotographWikimedia Commons, viewed 13 February 2021, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.