Present and Past Family Life

when I was a kid

Games we played
– photographs showing children’s games in early 1900’s. From National Archives of Australia

Little history: toys and games
– teacher and student support materials as well as curriculum links from Museums Victoria

To be a child: childhood in South Australia
– information and photographs on themes: Board games, Children’s toys, Books, Gender in play and toys. From State Library of South Australia

Teacher Resources

Exploring my family history
– unit of work and resources to support the Australian History Curriculum. From Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority

Present and past family life
– similarities and differences in families today and in the past. Interactive activities from Australian History Mysteries (ask Library for password)


Tonkin, R 2001, When I was a kid, illustration, Angus & Robertson, accessed 26 April 2013, <>.

Technology at Home

What is this? video
– six videos exploring different historical object – gramophone, typewriter, stereoscope, string bag, knucklebones, meat safe. From National Museum of Australia

Changing Technology

My place
– explore how people, places and objects change over time. Based on book and television series. From ABC

Teacher Resources

Changing changes in technology: the past in the present
– Australian Curriculum Year 2 History sample assessment. From Queensland Studies Authority

My Place for teachers
– material to support teachers using the My Place TV series in the classroom. Includes clips and stills from the TV series, as well as teaching activities and student activity sheets. From ABC

Past in the present
– interactive activities showing similarities and differences from life in the past and present. From Australian History Mysteries (ask Library for password)

Celebrations and Commemorations

simpsonANZAC Day
– on April 25th each year the men and women who have served our country in times of war are remembered. From ANZAC Day Commemorative Committee, Qld.

Story of Australia
– history of Australia Day. Includes educational games and activities. From the National Australia Day Council

National Sorry Day
– held on May 26th as a national observance to recognise the impact government policies on the Stolen Generation

Kaurna People

50 Word Project
– hear 50 words in Australian Indigenous languages. From Research Unit for Indigenous Language

Map of Kaurna lands
– map showing extent of the traditional territory of the Kaurna people. From Wikipedia

Place naming
– Kaurna names for parks around Adelaide. From Adelaide City Council


Yap, B 2006, Simpson and his donkey, photograph, Flickr, accessed 26 April 2013, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.

Navigators and Explorers
First Contact
First Fleet & Convicts


ACT Special Education Students 2012The Landing – Sydney Cove 26 January 1788PaintingFlickr, accessed 24 October 2016, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.

ArtsyBee n.d.Ship’s wheelIllustrationNeedpix, viewed 10 July 2020, <>.

Harrsch, M 2010, Details of British warships by Willem Van de Velde the Younger and John Christian Schetky, painting, Flickr, accessed 26 April 2013, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.

Early exploration of Australia
Early settlement of South Australia
Migration to Australia in 1800s
Early Settlement of Australia
Convicts in Australia
Gold Rush in Australia


Dorsch, D 2013Sailing shipPhotographPixabay, viewed 22 April 2021, <>.

French, J 2004 Tom Appleby, convict boy, HarperCollins, accessed 26 April 2013, <,+Convict+Boy>.

Mermaid, M 2006, Panning for gold, photograph, Flickr, accessed 26 April 2013, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.

Migrants disembarking from a ship 1885DrawingWikimedia Commons, viewed 22 April 2021, <,_ca._1885.jpg>, Creative Commons license: <>.

Slater, A 2009, Burke and Wills Camp Site. Pamamaroo Creek. NSW, photograph, Flickr, accessed 3 May 2013, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.

State Library of South Australia 2005, Colonel William Light, 1815, photograph, Flickr, accessed 26 April 2013, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.

Primary and Secondary Sources
Democracy and Citizenship


Commonwealth of Australia 1954Dutch migrantPhotographWikipedia Commons, viewed 24 April 2021, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.

Langley, S 2012, Flying, photograph, Flickr, accessed 26 April 2013, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.

Roberts, T 1903Opening of the first Parliament of Australia in 1901Painting,Parliament House Art Collection, accessed 8 February 2015, <>.

Australian Curriculum Resources

ABC Education: Foundation – Year 6
– Watch, Listen, Play. History resources to support Australian Curriculum. From ABC

Australian Curriculum Lessons
– lesson plans created by Australian teachers

Asia Education Foundation
– inquiry units and resources aligning to the Australian Curriculum

History mysteries
-inquiry learning case studies supporting the the Australian Curriculum – video, print and interactive content. From National Museum of Australia. Password required

Australian Curriculum Resources

P-10 History Sample Assessment Units
– units of work and resources to support the Australian History Curriculum. From Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority

– digital resources aligned to the Australian Curriculum

Year 6 – Immigration

Post Federation migration
– stories and reasons behind migration to Australia since 1901. From National Museum of Australia