
2 week loan. Can be extended by using the self-loan kiosk or bringing book/s to the circulation desk.

Loan Periods:

Reception – Year 3: 3 books
Year 4: 4 books
Year 5: 5 books
Year 6: 6 books
Year 7: 10 books
Year 8 – 10: 15 books
Year 11 -13: 20 books

Opening Hours
Opening hours

Monday – Friday:
8.00 am – 5.00 pm

Open at recess and lunchtimes

Closed school holidays

Library/ID Cards
New Library / ID cards

All students are issued with a new library/ID card at the beginning of each year.

Students arriving during the year

ID photos are taken at the front office.

Replacement student ID cards

Cost: $10
Pay at the front office and a new card will be ordered.

Book Loan
Book Loan

Students are issued with textbooks at the beginning of the year.

  • Students in years 10 – 12 collect textbooks from the library before school commences.
  • Year 6 – 9 are allocated a class time to collect textbooks in the first week of Term 1.
  • Students check books for damage and complete a form noting any prior damage.
  • Students write their name on the form in the front of each textbook. They must return the book they borrowed.
  • Lost or damaged textbooks will be charged to the student’s school account
Library Staff
Library Staff

The library has a team of qualified library staff who provide a welcoming environment for students and staff. We cater for the learning and recreational reading needs of our students as well as supporting the curriculum needs of teachers. The library is an enjoyable place to study or relax with friends before and after school as well as  at recess and lunch.

Staff Roles

Ms Ali Ripberger – Coordinator of Information Services (Monday – Friday)

Ms Sara Gorroick – Teacher Librarian (Thursday – Friday)

Ms Jessie Wildenauer – Teacher Librarian (Monday – Wednesday)

Ms Amy Manser – Library Assistant (Monday – Friday)

Ms Claire Tuohy – Library Assistant (Wednesday – Friday)

Ms Ally Dos Santos – Library Assistant (Monday, Tuesday)