
Animal classification
– explanation and examples of animal classification. From A-Z Animals

Food Chains and Food Webs

Food chains and food webs
– from the World Wildlife Fund

Food chain
– from National Geographic

Renewable Energy

Energy Kids
– Energy facts, Energy sources, Using and saving energy, History of energy, Glossary. From US Energy Information Administration

Earth and Space Sciences
solar system

Earth, Sun and Moon
– explanations and diagrams explaining seasons, phases of the moon, solar and lunar eclipses. From National Schools’ Observatory

Water Cycle

Water Cycle video
– video showing the water cycle and its importance to life. Changes to the water cycle affect climate and vice versa From NASA

Water Cycle video
– series of videos and activities on the water cycle. From NeoK12

Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica Online
Non Fiction eBooks
Gale Non Fiction eBooks
Gale Non-Fiction eBooks


NASA, Rawpixel 2018Our solar systemPhotographFlickr, viewed 17 July 2021, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.

Body Systems

 Inner body
– interactive diagram with description of parts of the body for each body system.

How the nervous system interacts with other body systems
–  outlines the specific function of each body system and how they are all interconnected and dependent on one another. From University of Washington

Rocks and Minerals

Discover how rocks are formed
– interactive activity showing how sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks are formed. From Annenberg Foundation

The rock cycle
– explains the series of processes that create and transform the types of rocks in Earth’s crust. From National Geographic

Rock cycle
Click to enlarge
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica
Non Fiction eBooks
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Gale Non-Fiction eBooks


Siyavula Education 2012Rock cycleIllustrationFlickr, viewed 17 July 2021, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.

Body Systems

Hormone (endocrine) system
– function of the endocrine system. From State Government of Victoria

Nervous system
– central and peripheral nervous systems.  From State Government of Victoria

How the nervous system interacts with other body systems
–  outlines the specific function of each body system and how they are all interconnected and dependent on one another. From University of Washington


What is an ecosystem?
– learn what an ecosystem is, how energy and matter move through ecosystems, and what makes an ecosystem stable. From Khan Academy

Plate Tectonics
Tectonic plates

Plate tectonics
– interactive map showing tectonic plates, plate boundary types, volcano distribution, earthquake distribution. From The Geological Society

Plate tectonics
– explains the structure of the Earth’s lithosphere (outer shell) and the forces that drive changes in its structure. From Australian Museum

Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica
Online Database
Science Reference Centre
Full text newspaper and reference articles, video, images, animations, experiments and biographies
Non Fiction eBooks
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Gale Non-Fiction eBooks


Gaba, E 2018Tectonic platesIllustrationWikimedia Commons, viewed 17 July 2021, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.

Climate Change

Climate basics
– understand how and why our climate is changing, how climate change affects us, and what people can do to slow climate change and prepare for it. From Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

Global emissions
– graphs showing the dramatic rise of carbon dioxide emissions, primarily from the combustion of fossil fuels. From Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

Causes and effects of climate change
– looks at the human impact and consequences of climate change. From National Geographic

Science of Climate Change
– explains the current situation in climate science, including where there is consensus in the scientific community and where uncertainties exist. From Australian Academy of Science

Big Bang Theory

Big Bang
– explanation of the Big Bang Theory and observations to support it. From Swinburne University

Elements and the Periodic Table

Periodic Table
– series of videos explaining the periodic table. From NeoK12

What is an element?
– From Chemicool Dictionary


10 applications of nanotechnology
– infographic from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers

– examines what is nanotechnology, physical and chemical properties, how they are formed, uses and potential harmful effects of nanoparticles. From National Centre for Biotechnology Information

Natural selection

Natural selection
– series of videos explaining natural selection and how evolution works. From NeoK12

Explore genomics
– introduction to genomics. From Your Genome

Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica
Online Database
Science Reference Centre
Full text newspaper and reference articles, video, images, animations, experiments and biographies
Non Fiction eBooks
Gale Virtual Reference Library
Gale Non-Fiction eBooks


Climate change n.d.PhotographPublicDomainPictures, viewed 17 May 2020, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.
Teacher Resources

Australian Curriculum Lessons
– lesson plans created by Australian teachers

ABC Spalsh

ABC Splash!
– science resources to support the Australian Curriculum. From ABC

Teacher Resources

P-10 Science Sample Assessments
– units of work and resources to support the Australian Science Curriculum. From Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
