First Fleet & convicts

Child convicts of Australia
– Short digibooks on transportation, a day in the life of a convict, work for child convicts, convict health, escapes and punishments, reform and freedom. From ABC Education

The First Fleet arrives at Sydney Cove
– Info on why a convict colony was set up in Australia, the challenges in the early years of the settlement, and the effects of settlement on First Peoples. Scroll down to see links to further info on captivity stories, punishments, convict love tokens and more. From National Museum of Australia

What was early Sydney like for convicts?
– Excellent info including what food convicts ate, what work they did, where they lived, what clothes they wore, what punishments they faced and so on. Explore! From Museums of History NSW

The First Fleet video
– reasons for the transportation of convicts from Engla as well as the route taken to Australia. From Behind the News

Museums of History NSW
– Includes short resources on convict women, day in the life of a convict, child convicts, life in early Sydney for convicts, transportation: one convicts experience etc. From Museums of History NSW

Convict Sydney
– The convicts’ colony: 1788-1815 – Sydney is established as a British convict colony on the clan lands of the Gadigal people. From Museums of History NSW.

First contacts: First Fleet Story
– For teachers. Unit of work and resources to support the Australian History Curriculum. From Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority


Le Bihan, E 1888First Fleet entering Port Jackson on January 26 1788PaintingState Library of NSW, viewed 21 April 2021, <,_January_26,_1788,_drawn_1888_A9333001h.jpg>.