First Contacts

Aboriginal people and trade
– trade between the Yolngu Aboriginal people in Eastern Arnhem land and the Macassans. From National Museum Australia

First contacts
– Why did the great journeys of exploration occur? Why did Europeans settle in Australia? What was life for Aboriginal people before the arrival of the Europeans? The nature of contact with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.From Australian History Mysteries (Password required – ask at library)

First Contacts

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander collections timeline
– A timeline of events relating to Indigenous Australians from the time of human colonisation of Australia. From the Australian Museum

Interactive map of Aboriginal Australia
–  the Aboriginal Language Map attempts to represent all of the language or tribal or nation groups of Indigenous people of Australia. From ABC


Hartley, D & Murray, K 2020Strangers on countryNational Library of Australia PublishingCanberra, viewed 21 April 2021, <>.