Federation  Story

Australian Constitution video
– short video introduces the Australian Constitution—the rules by which Australia is run

– summary of the Federation story. From Australian Government

Federation Fact Sheets
– fact sheets include: The Referendums 1898-1900, The First Commonwealth parliament 1901, Voting in the Federal Election 1903. From Australian Electoral Commission

Federation in Australia
– timeline to Federation. From KidCyber

Federation resources
– from ABC Splash

Federation Story

Road to Federation 1889-1901
– infographic explaining the timeline towards Federation. From Australian Electoral Commission

Why did Australia become a Federation
– reasons for Federation. From Parliamentary Education Office

Federation – The people

Leading figures in the Federation movement
– short biographies from National Library of Australia

Prime Ministers of Australia
– includes Edmund Barton, Alfred Deakin. From National Museum of Australia


Roberts, T 1903The big picturePaintingWikimedia Commons, viewed 24 April 2021, <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Opening_of_the_first_parliament.jpg>, Creative Commons license: <https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/>.