Making a Nation

Australia’s defining moments
– timeline showing Australia’s defining moments. Curriculum filter can be applied. From National Museum Australia

Browsing defining moments
– explores a detailed history of key events with images, quotes, related moments and suggestions for further reading. From National Museum Australia


History of Parliament
– Topics: Federal Parliament History Timeline, Introducing Federation,  Australian Parliament and World War I. From Parliamentary Education Office

Immigration Restriction Act
– explanation from the National Archives of Australia

Women’s Voting Rights

Franchise Act
– 1902: Commonwealth Franchise Act gives women the vote in federal elections. From National Museum Australia

Women’s suffrage in South Australia
– describes women’s rights in the late nineteenth century and the agitation for change in South Australia. From National Museum Australia


Djembayz 2013Votes for WomenPhotographWikimedia Commons, viewed 31 July 2021, <,_1913.jpg>, Creative Commons license: <>.