Sister Anne Waugh

1938 – 2020

Anne Waugh was the eldest of four children, with two brothers Tony and Michael and youngest sister Caroline. She grew up in St Peters and attended Ellangowan Primary School, transitioning to St Aloysius College for her secondary education.

Following school, Anne initially trained to be a primary teacher at Wattle Park Teachers’ College and graduated in 1964. She joined the Mercy Congregation in 1960 and took her final vows in 1968. She taught for five years at Mercedes College, Springfield and then did additional training at Adelaide University, the South Australian Institute of Technology and the Adelaide College of Arts Education and became a Secondary Science and Religious Education teacher. Anne also completed a Bachelor of Theology at Flinders University.

Anne began her secondary teaching career in 1981 at SAC and made an extraordinary contribution, dedicating the greatest part of her working life to the students and staff of this community.

(Sr Anne Waugh, St Aloysius College Archives)
Sr Anne Waugh
(Sr Anne Waugh, St Alloysius College Archives)

At the time of her Retirement Dinner on 28 May 1999, Anne reflected:

“I never planned on teaching as a career; it was an accidental accompaniment to becoming a Sister of Mercy, but I feel that I was a natural born teacher (in my heyday).”

Without a doubt, those who recall being taught by Anne will remember her as a teacher “par excellence”.

One of Anne’s former colleagues recalled her very distinctive laughter, and above all her kindness and gentleness. She appreciated the fact that Anne always had time to listen. Anne enjoyed her sleep.

At her funeral in November, 2020, Sr Judith Redden RSM shared the following reflection: “Anne Waugh remains in our collective memory as a ‘pearl of great price’. Her laughter, quirky sense of humour, her faithfulness, her deep spirituality, her wise counsel and her natural ability to think outside the square (and to offer surprise responses) endeared her to all of us.

And now, Anne, your motto will be fulfilled: TO TRULY SEEK GOD”

Eulogy given by Sr Judith Redden and adapted by Paddy McEvoy, 2021


Redden, J 2020Eulogy for Sr Anne Waugh, Adelaide.