The first whole school Colour Run was held in 2023 and replaced the Walkathon. It is held in Victoria Park in the eastern parklands.
Wearing white t-shirts, students run around the loop track and through an obstacle course, while being doused with coloured powder and water.
Students raise money through sponsorship for the run, with their donations supporting our Mercy Works projects. These include Catherine House, the Adelaide Day Centre and the Vinnies Women’s Crisis Centre, which provide support and safety for women and men in our community.
This event replaced the Walkathon, which began in 1999. Secondary students walked 10 kms along the River Torrens Linear Park and the Primary students walked to Victoria Park, with everyone returning to school for a sausage sizzle.
By Carol Grantham
St Aloysius College Archivist, 2023
Adelaide Day Centre
Catherine House

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