The Can Drive was introduced in 1997 to support the work of the Adelaide Day Centre. Home classes collected cans of food and competed to create the best can sculpture. The first Can Drive collected 2,342 cans.
Now a major event on the school calendar, the Can Drive has grown to include a celebration of Book Week. Coordinated by Year 11 students, senior classes buddy with junior class to design and create can sculptures that reflect the Book Week theme. It is a wonderful community event that reflects our spirit of mercy, with younger and older students collaborating to create colourful and imaginative sculptures.
The Can Drive has gone from strength to strength over the years, with the numbers of cans collected reaching over 12,000, enabling the Adelaide Day Centre to provide meals and soup to over 6,000 people and making 2,500 Christmas hampers for families in need.
By Carol Grantham,
St Aloysius College Archivist, 2022
Sister Janet Mead
Adelaide Day Centre

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