Bible Stories

Bible for children
– stories from the Old and New Testaments. From Bible for Children

World Religions

– arranged in alphabetical order. Gives an overview, information on beliefs, history, organisation, people, rites and rituals, holy days, customs, subdivisions and texts. From BBC



Dove 2012, IllustrationPixabay, viewed 20 November 2021, <>.


Advent facts
– from TopMarks


Stations of the Cross for children video
–  written by Lucille Perrotta Castro. From Youtube


Easter customs
– Easter traditions and customs, Easter customs around the world and the Easter story. From James Cooper



Christianity 2014IllustrationPixabay, viewed 20 November 2021, <>.


Mary MacKillop
– includes Mary’s Story: Beginnings, Growth, Challenge, Fulfilment. From Sisters of St Joseph

Saints profile
– list of saints by name and season. From Domestic Church Communications


Carrasco, S 2009Saint Patrick stained glass windowPhotographWikimedia Commons, viewed 20 November 2021, <>, Creative Commons license: <>.

Volunteer Organisations

Australian Red Cross
– works with most vulnerable people in Australia and internationally

Camp Quality
– Australian organisation helping children and families with cancer

Cancer Council
– Australian charity that works across every area of every cancer, from research to prevention and support

Caritas Australia
– Catholic agency for aid and development

Guide Dogs Australia

Guide Dogs SA/NT
– Guide Dogs improve independence, participation, inclusion and well-being for children and adults with vision impairment or blindness

Volunteer Organisations

Mercy in Action
– faith-based non-profit organisation serving people suffering from injustices related to poverty, sickness or lack of education

– a community based charity that works to prevent cruelty to animals by actively promoting their care and protection

Salvation Army
– faith-based organisation helping people to find freedom

St Vincent de Paul Society
– Catholic charity offering help to people in need

World Vision Australia
– Christian world-wide community development organisation

Ecological Conversion

Marine Discovery Centre, Henley Beach
– aim is to encourage an appreciation and understanding of Marine life with a view to promoting conservation and sustainable use

Trees for Life
– provide education and opportunities to do something practical to improve their local natural environment


Catholic Earthcare Australia
– mission is to help promote understanding among people that Creation is sacred and endangered and must be protected and sustained for present and future generations yet unborn

Ecological Conversion

Jane Goodall’s Roots and shoots
– provides young people with the knowledge, tools and hopeful inspiration to improve the environment and the quality of life for people and animals


Ejaugsburg 2014Environmental protectionPhotographPixabay, viewed 20 November 2021, <>.

Teacher Resources

Catholic Resource and Information Service (CRIS)
– collection of resources to support the RE curriculum as well as Indigenous Education, Asian Studies and Graduate Certificate collections.

Daily prayer online
– daily prayers suitable for primary and secondary students. From Jesuit Communications

Digital prayer
– bank of resources for integrating prayer using digital technologies. Created by Joanne Villis and Jacinta Astachnowicz

Teacher Resources

Crossways Religious Education Curriculum
– from Catholic Education South Australia

Made in the Image of God resources
– from Catholic Education South Australia